Hello; My name is Brian Munday.
In the business world, we are bombarded with mantras, sayings, and motivational quotes. The main reason for this is that it makes us think. These mantras mean different things to different people. Let me share one of my favorites with you:
“Find Three hobbies: One to make you Money. One to keep you in Shape. One to keep you Creative.” This is what I will use to tell you about myself. My hobbies, blend into each other. For the hobby to keep me in shape, you will find me outside. I am an avid outdoors person. I play just as hard as I work. I spend my time preparing for Obstacle Course Races. If I am not doing that, I am getting ready for a multi day canoeing trip in the summer or planning a Winter Camping Trip. What keeps me successful at these hobbies is my planning and preparation. Here is where my making money hobby comes into the picture. The same planning and preparation tools that I employee for my camping expeditions and physical training, are what help keep myself and ASW Clients successful. I am a numbers guy. If we have a conversation about how I can help improve your processes and procedures, I guarantee Metrics will be part of the plan. Another mantra I love: “You don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up somewhere else.” There is no denying the truth of this Yogi Berra quote. So many clients are tracking the wrong thing, or even worse not tracking anything at all. For my third hobby; the one to keep me creative. This one is simple. I am sure you have all heard this saying: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” To keep moving forward you must find new and innovative ways of doing things. Progress Demands Change.